Monday, February 23, 2009

My First Blog...

So, I'm starting this blog because i was waiting for my boyfriend to update his and i figured hey why not. I am about to start working a 2nd part time jobnext week while also taking on a course load of 18 credits, so I am assuming I will need a place to get things off my mind.

I tend to be an over achiever and don't know when to stop working. I think that all revolves back to my parents and my need for them to show me they are proud. ( Thats possibly the psych major in me coming out.) I enjoy evaluating people in my mind and most of the time my person of interest is myself. I pray to be successful and put way to much pressure on myself to succeed. Now that i am going to be done with my undergrad degree i am at a crucial point in my life; a point where i choose what to do for the rest of my life. I have decided that i do not want to go through with a phD in psychology, but i do want to have my phD in something before i die. Im thinking a masters in education or Clinical social work, possibly both. Then from there i will work slowly on a phD. Its just been a goal of mine since the 4th grade.

It's sad but when i was in the 4th grade i wasn't so much playing with my friends as much as i was talking to adults about college. I always wanted to go to stony brook, which is funny now that i am there. I also always talked to most adults about how i was going to go to med school at columbia university. i had high expectations. Obviously those plans have changed. Im just trying to show that i have always been this anal over achiever like I am now.

At this point in time school is my main priority, for the next 2.5 months i am going to pretty much isolate myself from the world and just work my butt off so that i can have a greater chance of getting into grad school. If i don't get into grad school i dont know what i will do, school has always been my life and as much as my boyfriend hates when i say it my success makes me who i am, and i pride myself on how hard i have worked through out my life thus far.

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